Monday, April 20, 2009

Work Day on April 25th

There will be a work day on Saturday the 25th at 1707. We'll be finishing up the demo and getting the space prepped for the electrical crew to get going. Many hands will help get this last push done. So if you can spare a few hours on Saturday to help out that would be awesome. We'll be working from 8:30 to 11:30 and then will get to partake in a wonderful meal back at the church. If you're
going to join us please let Todd Reding know so he can let the cooks know how many to plan for.

LUNCH MENU: Just got word that lunch will be SUPER DELICIOUS

The menu for next Saturday is set ... Chicken Bruschetta, vegetable medley, fruit and a delicious Linda Risting dessert.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Thank You... We could not have done it without you!!!

We were able to raise over $3,500.00 towards Project 1707! a special thank you to the following for donating to our first annual goods, services and talent auction and dinner. It was a success!

Dr. Scott Baumann
Don & Terry Burkhead
Diana Buter
Marion & Marc Chamberland
Jennifer & Dr. Patrick Cogley
Judy Cook
Karla Cornish
Deacon Diane Eberhart & Pastor Len Eberhart
GRMC Auxiliary
Jack Gustafson
Andy Hamilton
Dawn Jaeger
Dr. Clark & Annie Jensen
Carol Jordan
Wendy & Makalya Kadner
Earl Kinnaird
Sue Kolbe
Barb Lease
Brian Mitchell & Dr. Ramona Mitchell
Joan Milburn
Eleanor Osland
Karen Packard
Carolyn Ritter
Larry Robertson
Dan Sicard
Cathy Sonnichsen
Karen Town
Wes Finch Auto
Rob Yelenick
Sunday School Classes who provided our theme baskets

Dessert Providers- Judy Arendt, Deb Breeden, Rhonda Brennecke, Terry Burkhead, Judy Bush, Gloria Clay, Abby Copeman, Kim Dodd, Gretchen Isenberg, Wendy Kadner, Ramona Mitchell, Diane Patterson, Lynnda Risting, Carolyn Roudabush, Lynn Stone, Peg Watson and Melissa West

Kitchen Crew- Lynn Stone, Wendy Kadner, Monique Shore, Patrick Cogley, Todd Reding, Scott Baumann, Mike & Diane BUrt.

With Appreciation,
Project 1707 Crew

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Sendng out a BIG thanks!

Project 1707 is more than a service project. It is a complete program, and its success is dependent on a wide variety of activities. It is not just about the Saturday morning work crews, or demolition. There is planning, promotion, fund raising, communications with the family, and the general coordination with our central church.

A BIG thanks goes out today to Shannon Reding, Jennifer Cogley, and all of the persons involved in organizing a MAMMOTH fund raising luncheon tomorrow! They have solicited gifts for a huge silent auction. They have promoted the event to the entire community. And they have planned a free luncheon for more than 200 and spent less than $100 to do so! Their efforts will help us complete the final funding piece, and begin purchasing electrical supplies and insulation.

Be sure to show up and enjoy tomorrow at noon at the Grinnell United Methodist Church.

Thanks to the luncheon crew for all you have done to make this a success!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Join us for lunch to help the project!

There will be a fundraising lunch and silent auction on Feb. 22 at
11:45 am in the Friendship Center of the GUMC. The community is
invited. We will be serving lasagna, salad, bread, desserts and
drinks. A free will offering will be taken for the meal. The silent
auction items include, a gift certificate for dinner at Lonnski's and
movie passes, a tennis lesson, a fire station throw and tour of the
fire station with pizza for 8, tickets to Shult's and Co.'s spring
performance of "Live from Las Vegas", antiques and vintage clothing,
a gift certificate for 3 nights stay at Grandma's House, baked goods,
a quilt, a painting, theme baskets, and many other great items.
Money raised from this event will help to cover the cost of
insulation, dry wall and electrical wiring. If you have any
questions please call the church office at 235-3757.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Story

P R O J E C T 1 7 0 7
The Story
Eleven-year old Mary heard popping noises from behind her. Curious, she moved toward
the kitchen. She opened the door, and was horrified. Flames were enveloping her one
hundred year-old home, born from a simple toaster. They spread over the walls and
ceiling and came toward her. She bravely reached for the phone and dialed 911.
But for her sleeping brother upstairs, Mary was alone. She reported the emergency, and
replaced the phone. With the fire quickly gaining momentum, she dashed up the narrow
staircase and burst into her brother’s room. She pulled him from his sleep, yelling “fire”
and they fled down the stairs and out of the house.
Waiting for help, they watched as the blaze engulfed the home and dishes crashed to the
floor from burning cabinets.
The family of 1707 7th Ave. is one much like other American families. Both parents
work in a small Midwestern town, supporting three children and dealing with the
blessings, and challenges of life. The father, a Vietnam-veteran, has always provided for
his family. The mother, a librarian, believes in simple living; enjoying the little things
life has to offer.
When tragedy struck, they believed they could endure and repair their home through their
own efforts. When help was offered, they simply felt others must have greater needs than
Eighteen months have passed. With no fire insurance, they have made slow strides in
repairing the home with what few supplies they can acquire. Meanwhile, they live in an
apartment, saving as they can, and dreaming of some day returning home.
Project 1707 is dedicated to one purpose; rebuilding this home to a safe and efficient
level so the family may return and make it their own.
This effort began as a service project for Grinnell United Methodist Church. It quickly
grew into a partnership with the family, involving many volunteers, donors and
supporters from all areas.
The structure is simple. There are frequent work shifts managed by one of four lead
volunteers (foremen). Supplies, funds and volunteers are sought by coordinators, and
input into the master plan. The project will remove all damaged walls, windows, doors,
materials, etc. and replace with new electrical wiring, outlets, and fixtures, new
insulation, and drywall. Other safety and home improvements may be achieved
depending on labor and funding resources. The project will be completed, and the family
returned, by April 15, 2009 and will likely require a budget in excess of $15,000.

Friday Night Cleanup Session

I need approximately six people and two pick-up trucks for cleanout and disposal activities on Friday evening, January 23rd at 5:30 p.m. The work session will likely be brief (ie. 1.5 hours). Our goal will be the clean out some of the removed insulation, lath and plaster to clean up the space for the Saturday morning work crew. Please contact Jennifer Cogley if you can participate.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

January 24th Mission Day

We will be having a mission day at the 1707 Project on Saturday, January 24th at 8:30. If you are available, please meet at the site. Lunch will be served at the church afterward.... Ham balls... Yum!


Saturday, December 17, 2009

This Weekend, we will be conducting a work crew on site. Brian Hoffman will be leading the team from 1PM Central Daylight Time to 4PM.

Friday, January 9, 2009

So many complicated feelings

I'm guessing that most people checking this blog are aware of the hard things that have happened in our community, and more pointed in the GUMC family, in the last week. It's such a difficult situation that has understandably taken a big toll on Todd and his family, and because of his leadership on this project there is a residual effect here as well. I just pray that our church community will be able to minister to both sides of this situation in a compassionate way, understanding that it is possible to offer support to the Buddings while still acknowledging the terrible violation and harm that was done to the Reddings and other victims. This is the kind of thing that can tear a church family apart. I pray that will not be the case here. For it also holds the potential to strengthen the faith of all those involved and make the GUMC family stronger if we can move through it with understanding and grace for all. I pray it will be the latter of the two options. For I would hate to see either of these families feel abandoned or betrayed by their church family in any way.

I was a bit out of the loop on the project while we were out of town, but I'm wondering if there were unsettling things happening there as well. There is a post by Brenda on her blog addressing the mutterings of lottery winnings 13 years ago, and if this family is "deserving enough". For anyone who is wondering, and it is simply human nature that we all would, and missed her post here is the link:

A Million$$ Jackpot Lottery Winner Story

Just like we all are currently striving to find ways to respond to the current complex situation, I hope we can understand that there are complexities involved in the life of the McDonald family that make nothing that has happened easy to understand.

I pray that the 1707 Project will continue, and that as we work to help heal the wounds in their family and burned home, that it will also help us all to find ways to heal the fresh wound that has been inflicted on our own church family. God is so much greater than all these things, and it is so often too easy to loose sight of that.