Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Foremen Meeting Set

The foremen are scheduled to meet at noon on Friday, December 6th to update our plan, and review the workshift schedule. All interested parties are invited to attend. We will be meeting at Lonnski's in downtown Grinnell.

Shannon Reding has requested a quote for a "Pod" temporary storage unit to be delivered to the site on Monday, December 1st. This will be used for the family's current belongings in the house.

A tentative work shift is scheduled for Friday, December 6th from 5:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Our core responsibilities will be transferring items inside the house to the storage unit. More info. to come.

We are looking for two large garbage "dumpsters" to be delivered and placed on either side of the house next week. Please refer any suggestions to Todd Reding.

Note the logo is complete, and please feel free to post ideas, comments, etc. as we move forward!


Anonymous said...

I've known the McDonalds for many years, probably very deserving people of your time but I have to wonder if your dollars could not go to families in the community that have less than they. Anyone that wins the lottery surely can afford to rebuild his own house. I would strongly like to get behind projects like this but I will have to decline donations for this project.

Brenda McDonald said...

I appreciate your comment and understand what you are saying and in fact, agree with it. I have told many people that we are very fortunate, and there are many others who are not so fortunate and certainly deserve help more than we do. For this reason we refused offers of help for the past year and a half.

However, after a year and a half of struggling to repair this house ourselves while both of us work full time, we are simply exhausted. The financial burden from trying to maintain 2 houses (mortgage, property taxes, gas & electricity, water bills, repairs and fire damage)has wiped out our savings and put us in debt. The house we are living in was a rental, which used to provide a small addition to our income, but as we are living in it now, we don't receive any income from it. We would like to sell it, but need a place to move to first - our house on 7th ave, which is unlivable at this time. Once we are able to return to 7th Ave, we hope to sell the other house, pay off our debts, and return the favors and blessings of our community, by helping others in whatever ways we can.

The lottery money, won in 1995, was used to pay for our daughter's college education - there are no funds left from that win, except for the equity in our house, which we cannot access without selling the house, and we cannot sell the house until we have another place to live, etc. etc.

Without going into any more details about our personal financial situation - let me just say this:

A person or family does not need to be destitute to deserve help from the community.

There are many people who need help in our community, region and world - your kindness and generosity would be welcome by any of those in need.

Thank you for your honesty and your thoughts.